Kosovo pastures are a valuable source and provide a good base for livestock feed, especially for small ruminants. Pastures represent an important base for animal feed and ecosystem equilibrium. The importance of the use of pastures should not be seen solely in terms of providing feed for animals, especially during the summer season and for producing hay as a source of feed for animals. The use of pastures as recommended in general should focus on sheep but with proper planning, this resource can be used by other animals. In hilly-mountainous regions where the use of machinery is not possible, pastures will be able to replace crops. Primary pastures have a permanent character and mean pasture areas which are the result of the influence of climatic factors during the history of vegetation development in different geological periods. Therefore, they are called the pastures of high mountains or alpine pastures. These grasslands consisted of herbaceous plants within which grass groves dominate (gramineae). Plants of the high mountains of the National Park are rich in plant species, within which numerous endemic species are identified. Secondary pastures are herbaceous surfaces that are developed as a result of natural and human impact. These are mainly grasslands that the inhabitants have created on forest lands destroying forests in favor of creating agricultural lands (pastures). The difference between primary and secondary pastures lies in the fact that secondary pastures have a temporary destination because, according to social needs, they can be transformed into forests or urbanized and tourist areas. Another important aspect of the use of pastures is the promotion of ecological/organic livestock; Production in suitable areas in natural pastures. Animal products in these areas are gaining importance in Kosovar markets, but could become even more profitable with their entry into the foreign markets. Lack of international standards also hampers the possibility of trade in products both in the domestic and international markets, as food products need to be certified to be able to be exported. Livestock products are generally oriented towards their own consumption, but there is an increase in the commercialization of dairy products, thanks to the creation of a number of dairy collection points for the production of pasteurized milk, cheese, butter and yogurt.
Abir Doda, Restelicë - Dragash
Tel.: +044 740 688

Ajradin Skenderi, Pouskë - Prizren
Tel.: +044 659 587
Alemi Hajredini, Kuk - Dragash
Tel.: 044 351 112

Alija Jonuzi, Pouskë - Prizren
Tel.: 044 126 550
Andreja Milosavljevic - Shterpce
Tel.: 045 446 474
Arif Limani, Pllanjan - Prizren
Tel.: 044 351 318
Aslan Misini, Lubinjë e Poshtme - Prizren
Tel.: 049 408 644
Bajram Balje, Restelicë - Dragash
Tel.: 044 107 612

Barbula, Restelicë - Dragash
Tel.: 044 515 308

Beshir Dauti, Brod - Dragash
Tel.: 045 439 801

Blerim Limani, Brod - Shterpce
Tel.: 044 691 902
Ehad Aziri, Novosellë - Prizren
Tel.: 045 338 026
Emin Kolloni, Kosavë - Dragash
Tel.: 044 201 040

Enver Shabani, Firajë - Shterpce
Tel.: 044381121
Garip Reshiti, Bresanë - Dragash
Tel.: 044 696 665

Hajrixhat Spahiu "BIO FERMA" Bresanë - Dragash
Tel.: 044 355 383

Halil Rakipi "BIO FERMA Blaçi" Blaç - Dragash

Hasim Selmani "Miniferma Natyrale" Bresanë - Dragash
Tel.: 044 308 707

Idriz Qusaj, Pllajnik - Dragash
Tel.: 044 594 236

Jasna Djurinac - Shterpce
Jovan Jovanovic, Gotovusa - Shterpce
Tel.: 045 220 312
Jusuf Bajrami, Restelicë - Dragash
Tel.: 044 365 463

Mersit Pandi, Pouskë - Prizren
Tel.: 044 604 152
Milazim Baxhaku, Bellobrad - Dragash
Tel.: 044 484 188

Muradije Arifi, Pouskë - Prizren
Tel.: 044 315 129
Nenad Tiric, Bitinja - Shterpce
Tel.: 045 671 586
Nesim Halimi, Kuklibeg - Dragash
Tel.: 044 432 347
Osman Aga, Restelicë - Dragash
Tel.: 044 858 210

Osman Reshiti, Bresanë - Dragash
Tel.: 044 423 245
Predrag Stojkovic, Gotovusa - Shterpce
Tel.: 029 075 059
Ramadan Amda, Brod - Dragash
Tel.: 044 676 721

Remzi Bajrami, Gornja Selo - Prizren
Tel.: 045 384 461
Remzi Gjaferi, Skorobishte - Prizren
Tel.: 044 264 417
Sadik Dili, Mushnikovë - Prizren
Tel.: 044 107 903
Sakib Balje, Restelicë - Dragash
Tel.: 044 107 612

Sedat Reshiti, Bresanë - Dragash
Tel.: 044 890 413

Shukri Myrtezani "BIOFERMA" Guri i Zi, Zaplluxhe - Dragash
Tel.: 049 184 167

Sladjan Stojkovic, Bitinja - Shterpce
Tel.: 045 675 115
Xhimshit Kalenderi "Bjeshkët e Sharrit" Kosavë - Dragash
Tel.: 044 119 767
Zaim Rufati, Bresanë - Dragash
Tel.: 044 432 344
Zvonko Jovanovic, Berevce - Shterpce
Tel.: 045 658 200